Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Baba Top 10 List : Unique Food From All Of The World

Well Hello Every Body, it is time for baba top 10 list, today baba going to tell you about unique food from all over the world, but baba want to make a notice this maybe a little gross for you but trust baba that for some people this food has its own delicacy, ok here we go people :

1. Surstömming (rotten fish)
Surstömming is a unique dish from northern Sweden and roughly translates to ‘sour herring’. Baltic fish is caught in May and June and fermented for one to two months before being tinned. Once tinned it continues to ferment for a further 6 months, after which it begins to release a range of offensive gasses. Interestingly in 2006, several major airlines including Air France, KLM, and British Airways, banned Surstömming from their aeroplanes.

2.Century Eggs
Century eggs—or millennium eggs, thousand-year-old eggs or pidan, whatever you call them—are quail, duck or chicken eggs preserved in a mixture of ashes, clay and salt for several months. In the process, the egg’s white turns to a jelly-like brown mixture, while the yolk turns into a green-ish or gray-ish cream. Century eggs emit a powerful smell of sulfur and ammonia, and their taste is strong and complex. 

3.Pufer Fish Or Fugu
Would you willingly put something in your mouth that could potentially kill you? Well, that is what many people choose to do with fugu – a fish that can cause a violent death if not cooked correctly. These fish are considered the second most poisonous vertebrates in the world. They contain the toxin ‘tetrodotoxin’ which is 1,200 more deadly than cyanide,Over 20 people have died in Japan after eating the fish since 2000.

4.Witchetty grub .
Australian Food a fat juicy wiggleing live larvae, actually its a aborigines food, but some people in australia started to eat it, and it taste good, its a moth larvae from moth genus Cossus .They are dug out of the trunks and roots of gum trees during the summertime, and although the very though of eating grubs may be frowned upon by Europeans, witchetty grubs have been an essential part of the Aboriginal diet for centuries.Witchetty grubs are traditionally eaten live and raw. Their meat is rich in protein and makes for a highly nutritious snack if you’re tramping through the bush. Raw witchetties have a subtle, slightly sweet flavour and a liquid centre.

5.Ika Shiokara
A Japanese food translated as “fermented squid guts.”. The raw squid pieces are cloaked in the creamy coral gastric juices squeezed from the inner sack of the squid and are seasoned with a bit of miso, salt, soy sauce, sake, red pepper, ,yuzu peel,and 30% malted rice, packed in a closed container, and fermented for up to a month. Shiokara is sold in glass or plastic containers.and it has a strong taste and odor

6.Black ivory Coffee
Last year, a coffee called Black Ivory became one of the world's most expensive brews, at $1,1000 per kilogram. For that price, you can expect a smooth, full taste.... and perhaps a slight earthy hint of elephant dung. Yes, this coffee is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants, then plucked from their droppings, and yes its very expensive coffee it cost 70$ per serving

 7.Raw Blood Soup
traditional Vietnam culinary Tiet Cahn, or raw blood soup, is a traditional Vietnamese dish that contains very few ingredients: chicken gizzards and raw duck blood, topped with peanuts and herbs. Tiet Cahn is refrigerated before consumption: the blood then coagulates and has the texture of jelly…

8.Casu Marzu (rotten cheese)
This is basically sheep milk cheese. So what’s wrong with a little rotten cheese – after all, many cheeses go through fermentation? Well, what makes Casu Marzu different is that it contains live insect maggots made by leaving the cheese outside until thousands of cheese-flies lay their eggs inside. the casu marzu goes beyond simple fermentation. It is closer to actual decomposition. This Italian pecorinoa.k.a. sheep milk cheese—is crawling with… live fly larvae. At the end of the making process, the cazu marzu’s crust is cut open, in order to let flies lay their eggs in the cheese. Once those eggs hatch, little larvae are born, making their way through the cheese and giving it its strong, unique taste. Some people love to eat their casu marzu with the larvae still alive and wiggling, This stomach-turning delight is found almost exclusively in Sardinia, Italy.

9.Mongolian Boodog
Its Cooked goat, marmot from the inside out, after you’ve hung it upside down, bled it and broken its legs. The stuffing is a bit non-Western, too: smooth hot stones crammed into every cavity imaginable and even up under the leg skin where you would have yanked the broken the bones out. Blowtorch the beast ‘til desired doneness; it can also be roasted over an open fire. That’s authentic Mongolian barbecued meat

Balut takes a top spot by a landslide among the gross egg category, which should include 100-year old eggs. Balut is a fairly common and unassuming street food available in both the Philippines and Vietnam. It has also earned a widespread reputation as one of the all-time grossest ethnic delicacies. Most of the eggs with which Americans are familiar are unfertilized eggs. The balut, though are fertilized duck eggs, incubated or allowed to grow invitro for a certain length of time, usually a few weeks. Peel back the shell and along with a typical soft-boiled eggy interior is also the small inert body of a fetal duck—small bones, feathers, beak and all, some more developed than others. Most accounts suggest slurping it right from the shell with a pinch of salt

thats all from baba todays friend and dont forget my friend and the important thing is spread love, kindness, think good, speak good, do good and the important thing

baba loves you all <3

Dancing baba.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Baba Story Time : The Wise Lion - From Jataka Tales

 Hello everybody, how are you all today, now baba going to tell some old good story taken from indian jataka tales.
its a good story , and like other story it all begins with once upon a time..

A hare once resting under a banyan tree had a premonition of doom. “What would happen to me if the earth were to break up?” he wondered. Suddenly, there was a ‘thud’ followed by a rumbling sound. “it’s happened,” thought the hare, “the earth’s breaking up !”He jumped up and ran.
“Why are you running?” asked another hare who crossed his path. “The earth’s breaking up!” shouted the first hare. “You’d better run too.” The second hare ran so fast he overtook the first. “The earth’s breaking up, the earth’s breaking up!” he shouted to other hares he passed. Soon thousands of hares were scampering through the forest. Other animals too got caught up in the panic. The word spread from mouth to mouth, and soon everyone knew: the earth was breaking up.
It was not long before the whole jungle was on the move. Reptiles, insects, birds and four-footed animals fled in wild disorder, and their cries of terror filled the air.
A lion standing on a hillock, saw the animals coming and wondered what was going on. He hastened down and positioning himself in front of the horde called for it to stop. “The earth is breaking up!” shrieked a parrot, alighting on a rock near him. “Who says so?” “I heard it from the monkeys.” The monkeys said they had heard it from the tigers, who said their informants were the elephants, who gave the buffaloes as their source. When the hares were finally implicated they pointed one to another until the one who had started it all was identified.

“What makes you think the earth is breaking up?” the lion asked him. “I heard it cracking with my own ears, sir,” said the hare, trembling in fear. The lion investigated the sound the hare had heard and found that it had been caused by a large coconut falling from a tree. It had landed on a pile of rocks, causing a minor landslide.
“Go back to your homes,” said the lion to the animals who had been running away, and who were now looking very foolish. ” The earth is safe. Next time check a rumor before acting on it “.

Well my friend the moral of this story is very clear, whatever it is we must check it first whatever it is, rumors, information, news etc because if we blindly accept it and spread without knowing the fact it can misleading and its not good at all.and dont forget my friend and the important thing is spread love, kindness, think good, speak good, do good and the important thing

baba loves you all <3

Dancing baba.

Baba Fact Time : Mars Fact

Baba Fact Time : Mars Fact

Well Hello Again there, all of you maybe already heard about nasa one way mission trip to planet mars, yes our neighbor planet. so this time baba will share to all of you the fact about planet mars, so you can  imagine how live there, here they are :

Courtesy of NASA Curiosity
1.The landmass of Mars and Earth is very similar.
Despite Mars being just 15% the volume and 10% the mass of Earth, it actually has a similar landmass because water covers about 70% of Earth’s surface. The surface gravity of Mars is about 37% the gravity found on Earth. This means that on Mars you could in theory jump 3x higher than you could on Earth.

2.Length of a Day .While a year on Mars might be almost twice as long as a year on Earth, the length of a day there is almost identical. A Martian day is 24 hours and 39 minutes long, less than an hour longer than a day on Earth.

3.It takes Mars 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun with its orbit radius of 227,840,000 km, So one years in mars is equals to 687 earth days, and it had 4 seasons, roughly twice as long as those on Earth, but with more variation given Mars' eccentric orbit and the fact its orbital speed varies more as result (fastest when at perihelion; slowest at aphelion) .

Season                                                                      Earth                  Mars
Spring 93 194
Summer 93 178
Autumn 90 142
Winter 89 154

4.The atmosphere of Mars is less than 1% the thickness of Earth’s atmosphere. Furthermore, it’s made up of 96% carbon dioxide – this is poisonous for us humans to breathe.and no oxygen at all.so baba suggest Don’t try to explore Mars without a spacesuit you wouldn’t last very long ok.

5.The Temperature. Mars's atmosphere is about 100 times thinner than Earth's. Without a "thermal blanket," Mars can't retain any heat energy. On average, the temperature on Mars is about minus 80 degrees F (minus 60 degrees C). In winter, near the poles temperatures can get down to minus 195 degrees F (minus 125 degrees C). A summer day on Mars may get up to 70 degrees F (20 degrees C) near the equator, but at night the temperature can plummet to about minus 100 degrees F (minus 73 C). Frost forms on the rocks at night, but as dawn approaches and the air gets warmer, the frost turns to vapor, and there is 100 percent humidity until it evaporates.

6.Gravity. Mars has only 10% the mass of Earth. Because of the small diameter and low mass, the surface gravity on Mars is only 38% the gravity on Earth. If your bathroom scale read 100 kg on Earth, it would only read 38 kg on Mars, nice way to cheat your scale.

7.The Sun looks about half its size half it does from Earth when seen from Mars. When Mars is closest to the Sun in its orbit the southern hemisphere points toward the Sun and this causes a very short but fiercely hot summer. In the north it experiences a brief but cold winter. When the planet is farthest from the Sun, Mars experiences a long and mild summer because the northern hemisphere points toward the Sun. This is compared with a cold and lengthy winter in the south. 

8.Mars is the only other planet besides Earth that has polar ice caps. The northern cap is called the Planum Boreum, with Planum Australe in the south. Water ice has also been found under the Martian ice caps.

9.The tallest mountain known in the solar system is on Mars. Olympus Mons is a 21 km high and 600 km diameter shield volcano that was formed billions of years ago. Scientists have found a lot of recent evidence of volcanic lava which suggests Olympus Mons may still be active. It is the second highest mountain in the entire solar system, topped only by the Rheasilvia central peak on the asteroid Vesta, which is 22 km high

By knowing these fact you can imagine how live there, and the important thing is that we understand how well the place that we living right now, so we must do our best to take care of it and appreciate it because there is no place like home right.and the important thing is spread love, kindness, think good, speak good, do good and the important thing
baba loves you all <3

Dancing baba.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Awesome Benefits Of Dance

Well Ellow again Everibodi, Its Baba Again.

Now baba going to tell you awesome benefits of dance, all kind of dance have almoust same benefit for our Bodi and mind, here are the awesome benefits that you need to know about dance :

1.Boost Memory
Dance not only instills grace, but it also helps you age gracefully. According to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, dancing may boost your memory and prevent you from developing dementia as you get older. Science reveals that aerobic exercise can reverse volume loss in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. The hippocampus naturally shrinks during late adulthood, which often leads to impaired memory and sometimes dementia.

2.Reduce Stress
If you’re feeling tense or stressed out, you might want to grab a partner, turn up the music, and tango! In a controlled study in the Journal of Applied Gerontology, researchers found that partner dance and musical accompaniment can help bring about stress relief.

3.Diminish Depression
Dancing really does lift your spirits, according to a study in that tested the effects of dancing on people with deppresion. Patients who participated in an upbeat group dance showed the fewest depression symptoms and the most vitality. Got the blues? Grab a friend and go out dancing tonight yay.

4.Help Your Heart
Dance is a great activity for those at risk for cardiovascular disease. People with heart failure who took up waltzing improved their heart health, breathing, and quality of life significantly compared to those who biked or walked on a treadmill for exercise, noted an Italian stud

5.Make Friends
Yiss a dance class is absoulute the perfect setting to make new friends and branch out socially. Maintaining positive relationships may just rank up there with healthy eating and exercise. Being socially engaged leads to increased happiness, reduced stress, and a stronger immune system awesome right.

6.Dancing Make You Moods Brighter
Endorphins are released when the bodi is forced to exert itself at a certain level. You may have heard of a 'runner's high'; because dancing is a similar activity, this same boost in mood can be achieved through dancing. In addition to the physical activity of dancing, when dancing is also a performance, adrenaline and endorphins work together to create a dramatic 'dancer's high'.
Dancing also affects the mind by contributing to a sense of satisfaction. While you may not reach new goals each day that you dance, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you worked hard towards reaching those goals. Sweating through a series of exercises can be very satisfying even if change comes about at a pace so slow that you can't see the improvement. In the long term, you will see the fruits of your efforts from year to year, but on a day-to-day basis, most dancers feel very satisfied with having completed their exercises, worked on their turnout, and done their daily stretch routine.

Dancers possess an aura of self-confidence and an ability to enjoy themselves more in social situations. When you learn how to dance, your entire mental outlook will take on a fresh sense of creativity, motivation, and energy. This new self-confidence in your dancing abilities will transfer to other aspects of your life as well.

these are some awesome benefits of dance, and trust baba there are many many many benefits you will get from dancing, so now baba want to hear from you, what kind of dancing do you like, write the answer in comment bellow ok baba will loveeeee to hear that, meanwhile lets dance with baba okeee
dance dance dance

Baba love you all <3 Smooch

  • Diminish Depression

    Dancing really does lift your spirits, according to a study in that tested the effects of dancing on people with depression. Patients who participated in an upbeat group dance showed the fewest depression symptoms and the most vitality. Got the blues? Grab a friend and go out dancing tonight.
  • Help Your Heart

    Dance is a great activity for those at risk for cardiovascular disease. People with heart failure who took up waltzing improved their heart health, breathing, and quality of life significantly compared to those who biked or walked on a treadmill for exercise, noted an Italian study.
  • Lose Weight

    Bored with your bicycle? A study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that an exercise program of aerobic dance training is just as helpful for losing weight and increasing aerobic power as cycling and jogging.
  • Balance Better

    If you are nervous about falling as you get older, some dance lessons might help ease your worries, according to a study in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity that showed tango dancing can improve balance in aging adults. Dancing requires a lot of fast movement and good posture, so frequent dancing will help you stabilize and gain better control of your body.
  • Increase Energy

    Can’t seem to find your get-up-and-go? Taking a dance class might help. Research published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found that a weekly dance program could improve physical performance and increase energy levels among adults.
  • Make Friends

    A dance class is the perfect setting to make new friends and branch out socially. Maintaining positive relationships may just rank up there with healthy eating and exercise. Being socially engaged leads to increased happiness, reduced stress, and a stronger immune system

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Its Baba Tips Time On How To Stop Nervousness Through 3 Simple Step

If you don’t know how to stop nervousness before,baba will help today baba will give you a tips about stop nervousness so you understand need solution for it. baba want to give you an example…

You are making love with your partner for few minutes and you feel really excitements, you really want to go to final of process. But in the next minute, that situation will make you to hard of control yourself. And include negative thoughts come up to you, you think about your pass about very early ejaculation. You will feel down of excitement by going to feel nervousness. What you will do?
Most of case people don’t really understand the need to learn how to stop nervousness until they really need it and it’s usually too late. So people need learn how to solve that problem right this minute.

Tip 1: Keep Comfortable

Thing you can do to walk in process and enjoy moment with your partner, then you can keep yourself feel comfortable carry you through until the end of making love.
Thing usually happens is you don’t want keep enjoy for long time, when you feel hard to control yourself then you find yourself all mistakes in pass “bad things will happen” in your head. What if I screw up? What if my partner doesn’t like me?
Thoughts like these take down your excitement, leading you need to excuse yourself and feel weak then you get out of control yourself. Stop unwanted thoughts and don’t allow negative thoughts through your mind. Keep comfortable and be excitement little to enjoy long time with all process of making love, think only of how you make more interesting things with your partner as you can and nothing else.

Tip 2: Create A Moment Of Happy
If you want to know how to stop nervousness, then why don’t you try to create a moment of happy such as you will be kind person with people around you that work together, you will give something special for your friends and they will surprise when see it and they will take care more to you for better together etc and you really will do that in next time or remember it that happen in pass. That is small and simple trick to help you gain your emotion with positive more.
The more things make you feel good, more mean, the better you will feel. And you don’t need take many times to do that. If you are making love with your partner you can think about what surprise or good things you will do for your partner then it will keep you be comfortable with control yourself and feel happy by it really mean for both.

Tip 3: Stop In Moment
Sometimes, learning how to stop nervousness need to you have a little peace and quiet. Find where you can be alone and close your eyes. Or stop little of minute. Take deep breaths and focus on freedom of the moment.
Say to yourself in that moment about you are bigger than anything challenges that you will face, that you will overcome because it mean to do. By that way, you can go do that thing and don’t need to worrying or thinking too much about what is problem.
Learning how to stop nervousness is very important. Right now, you spend time to remind again and really understand these tips. If you don’t care about practice in right moment then you will getting bad result of your important things in your life same with pass and nothing can help you overcome it.

So finally i hope this simple tips will useful for you okey bye bye smooch
lets dance.
baba loves you <3

heloowww welcome to my new blog

helloww all Baba Loves you

welcome to my new blog,
its about world and universe that we part of it, and baba will share some useful information, news, issue, tips, or whatever baba wanna share <3
Baba Loves you all
enough of introduction now shall we dance...

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