Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Baba Top 10 List : Unique Food From All Of The World

Well Hello Every Body, it is time for baba top 10 list, today baba going to tell you about unique food from all over the world, but baba want to make a notice this maybe a little gross for you but trust baba that for some people this food has its own delicacy, ok here we go people :

1. Surstömming (rotten fish)
Surstömming is a unique dish from northern Sweden and roughly translates to ‘sour herring’. Baltic fish is caught in May and June and fermented for one to two months before being tinned. Once tinned it continues to ferment for a further 6 months, after which it begins to release a range of offensive gasses. Interestingly in 2006, several major airlines including Air France, KLM, and British Airways, banned Surstömming from their aeroplanes.

2.Century Eggs
Century eggs—or millennium eggs, thousand-year-old eggs or pidan, whatever you call them—are quail, duck or chicken eggs preserved in a mixture of ashes, clay and salt for several months. In the process, the egg’s white turns to a jelly-like brown mixture, while the yolk turns into a green-ish or gray-ish cream. Century eggs emit a powerful smell of sulfur and ammonia, and their taste is strong and complex. 

3.Pufer Fish Or Fugu
Would you willingly put something in your mouth that could potentially kill you? Well, that is what many people choose to do with fugu – a fish that can cause a violent death if not cooked correctly. These fish are considered the second most poisonous vertebrates in the world. They contain the toxin ‘tetrodotoxin’ which is 1,200 more deadly than cyanide,Over 20 people have died in Japan after eating the fish since 2000.

4.Witchetty grub .
Australian Food a fat juicy wiggleing live larvae, actually its a aborigines food, but some people in australia started to eat it, and it taste good, its a moth larvae from moth genus Cossus .They are dug out of the trunks and roots of gum trees during the summertime, and although the very though of eating grubs may be frowned upon by Europeans, witchetty grubs have been an essential part of the Aboriginal diet for centuries.Witchetty grubs are traditionally eaten live and raw. Their meat is rich in protein and makes for a highly nutritious snack if you’re tramping through the bush. Raw witchetties have a subtle, slightly sweet flavour and a liquid centre.

5.Ika Shiokara
A Japanese food translated as “fermented squid guts.”. The raw squid pieces are cloaked in the creamy coral gastric juices squeezed from the inner sack of the squid and are seasoned with a bit of miso, salt, soy sauce, sake, red pepper, ,yuzu peel,and 30% malted rice, packed in a closed container, and fermented for up to a month. Shiokara is sold in glass or plastic containers.and it has a strong taste and odor

6.Black ivory Coffee
Last year, a coffee called Black Ivory became one of the world's most expensive brews, at $1,1000 per kilogram. For that price, you can expect a smooth, full taste.... and perhaps a slight earthy hint of elephant dung. Yes, this coffee is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants, then plucked from their droppings, and yes its very expensive coffee it cost 70$ per serving

 7.Raw Blood Soup
traditional Vietnam culinary Tiet Cahn, or raw blood soup, is a traditional Vietnamese dish that contains very few ingredients: chicken gizzards and raw duck blood, topped with peanuts and herbs. Tiet Cahn is refrigerated before consumption: the blood then coagulates and has the texture of jelly…

8.Casu Marzu (rotten cheese)
This is basically sheep milk cheese. So what’s wrong with a little rotten cheese – after all, many cheeses go through fermentation? Well, what makes Casu Marzu different is that it contains live insect maggots made by leaving the cheese outside until thousands of cheese-flies lay their eggs inside. the casu marzu goes beyond simple fermentation. It is closer to actual decomposition. This Italian pecorinoa.k.a. sheep milk cheese—is crawling with… live fly larvae. At the end of the making process, the cazu marzu’s crust is cut open, in order to let flies lay their eggs in the cheese. Once those eggs hatch, little larvae are born, making their way through the cheese and giving it its strong, unique taste. Some people love to eat their casu marzu with the larvae still alive and wiggling, This stomach-turning delight is found almost exclusively in Sardinia, Italy.

9.Mongolian Boodog
Its Cooked goat, marmot from the inside out, after you’ve hung it upside down, bled it and broken its legs. The stuffing is a bit non-Western, too: smooth hot stones crammed into every cavity imaginable and even up under the leg skin where you would have yanked the broken the bones out. Blowtorch the beast ‘til desired doneness; it can also be roasted over an open fire. That’s authentic Mongolian barbecued meat

Balut takes a top spot by a landslide among the gross egg category, which should include 100-year old eggs. Balut is a fairly common and unassuming street food available in both the Philippines and Vietnam. It has also earned a widespread reputation as one of the all-time grossest ethnic delicacies. Most of the eggs with which Americans are familiar are unfertilized eggs. The balut, though are fertilized duck eggs, incubated or allowed to grow invitro for a certain length of time, usually a few weeks. Peel back the shell and along with a typical soft-boiled eggy interior is also the small inert body of a fetal duck—small bones, feathers, beak and all, some more developed than others. Most accounts suggest slurping it right from the shell with a pinch of salt

thats all from baba todays friend and dont forget my friend and the important thing is spread love, kindness, think good, speak good, do good and the important thing

baba loves you all <3

Dancing baba.

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